Pinpointing Environmental Sources of Pediatric Asthma

The Phenome; a combination of the genome and the exposome.

Identifying the sources that trigger pediatric asthma is critical for successful therapeutic interventions. The collaborative PRISMS project, led by College of Nursing Associate Professor Kathy Sward, paired Utah families with asthmatic children with faculty from the University of Utah College of Nursing, the Department of Biomedical Informatics within the School of Medicine (Facelli and Gouripeddi), The College of Engineering, and The College of Mines and Earth Sciences. The University scientists collaborated with the families to develop a biomedical informatics platform to crowdsource and link air quality data with personal health monitoring data and other data resources to pinpoint environmental causes of patient symptoms.


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Utah PRISMS informatics ecosystemR. Gouripeddi, V. Tiase, S. Collingwood, J. Facelli, K. Sward, ISES 2018 Technology and Sensor Fair, The Joint Annual Meeting of the International Society of Exposure Science and the International Society for Environmental Epidemiology (ISES-ISEE 2018), Ottawa, Canada, Aug, 2018.

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An architecture for metadata-driven integration of heterogeneous sensor and health data for translational exposomic researchR. Gouripeddi, L. Tran, R. Madsen, T. Gangadhar, P. Mo, N. Burnett, R. Butcher, K. Sward, J. Facelli, IEEE International Conference on Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI’19), Chicago, IL, USA, May, 2019.

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Developing a specification for representing exposure health semanticsR. Gouripeddi, R. Habre, and the PRISMS Data Modeling Working Group, The International Societies of Exposure Science (ISES) and Indoor Air Quality and Climate (ISIAQ)Kaunas, Lithuania, Aug, 2019

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